![]() an effective cap thickness has been achieved, there will be no significant dif-
ference in oxygen-depletion rates between the contaminated sediment with cap
material and the cap material alone.
A similar rationale is applicable for using ammonium-nitrogen and
orthophosphate-phosphorus as tracers. These constituents are released only
under anaerobic conditions. However, if the layer of cap material is thick enough
to prevent the diffusing materials in the underlying contaminated dredged
material from reaching the water column, the release rates from the capped
contaminated sediment will be the same as from the cap material alone.
Because of the potential variation of chemical and biochemical properties in
sediments, more than one tracer (ammonium-nitrogen, orthophosphate-
phosphorus, and DO depletion) must be considered for each application
(Brannon et al. 1985, 1986; Gunnison et al. 1987; Environmental Laboratory
1987). Frequently, the contaminated sediment and the proposed capping mate-
rial are so different that a chemical property of the contaminated sediment is
easily distinguishable from that same property of the cap material. However,
when the cap material has chemical properties similar to the contaminated
sediment, chemical differences are harder to distinguish. In such a case, if only
one tracer is measured and negative results are obtained, a second series of tests
is necessary.
Water analysis
The release rates of ammonium-nitrogen and orthophosphate-phosphorus
must be determined in accordance with procedures recommended by Ballinger
(1979). The depletion rate of DO is determined using either the azide modi-
fication of the Winkler method, as described in Standard Methods (American
Public Health Association 1986), or a DO meter.
Sediment collection
Samples of contaminated sediment must be collected that are representative
of sediment to be dredged. Samples of the proposed capping material must also
be taken. To ensure that sediment samples are not diluted with large volumes of
water, a clamshell dredge or similar device is used to sample both contaminated
sediment and capping material. Representative subsamples of both materials are
taken for initial bulk analysis and characterization. All sediments are to be
placed into polyethylene-lined steel barrels, sealed, and stored at 4 oC until
Sediment sampling and preparation
The capping effectiveness test is run using representative samples of the
contaminated and capping sediments (see Chapter 3 of the main text). Sediment
Appendix C Capping Effectiveness Tests
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