![]() Appendix E
Multiple Dump Fate (MDFATE)
of Dredged Material Model
This appendix provides information on the computer program Multiple Dump
Fate (MDFATE) formally known as Open-Water Disposal Area Management
Simulation (ODAMS) (Moritz and Randall 1995). MDFATE is a site manage-
ment tool that bridges the gap between the STFATE (Johnson 1990) and
LTFATE (Scheffner et al. 1995) models. It simulates multiple disposal events at
one site to predict the creation of navigation hazards, examine site capacity, and
conduct long-term site planning. MDFATE uses modified versions of STFATE
and LTFATE for simulations. Similar to LTFATE, local wave and tide infor-
mation input is required as well as disposal-site boundaries and bathymetry. The
disposal-site bathymetry can be either automatically generated (flat or sloping),
or actual bathymetric data from an ASCII file can be imported. The suspended
solids and conservative tracer portions of STFATE are removed so the modified
STFATE version models the convective descent, dynamic collapse, and passive
diffusion process only.
Because of the modified LTFATE version, MDFATE can also account for
cohesive and noncohesive sediment transport, cohesive sediment consolidation,
and noncohesive avalanching. MDFATE can also simulate capping based on the
slow release of material from a barge/hopper so it may spread evenly on the
bottom with a minimum amount of momentum imparted to the primary mound.
This appendix provides an overview of the theoretical background of
MDFATE, personal computer (PC) requirements, required input, and typical
Appendix E MDFATE Model
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