![]() accounted for as well as sloping or depression disposal areas. Differences in
material composition can be considered, and layering of different materials in
the hopper can be modeled also. Based on material properties, currents, etc.,
stripping of fines is accounted for, and an estimate of how the material accumu-
lates on the seafloor is provided. STFATE output consists of plots of mound
footprint coverage and thickness of bottom accumulation. MDFATE modifies
the existing bathymetric grid according to the STFATE-predicted mound foot-
print and bottom thickness. Subsequent STFATE outputs are appended to the
grid, thus creating a composite mound.
For the week-long simulations, LTFATE models the long-term processes
affecting the created composite mound. The processes modeled include morpho-
logical changes resulting from cohesive and noncohesive sediment erosion,
noncohesive sediment avalanching, and cohesive sediment consolidation. For
the sediment erosion processes, LTFATE requires input from hydrodynamic
databases for tides and waves. The tidal current time-series is generated from
user-specified tidal constituents for the site of interest by the program TIDE.
Wave statistics from the Wave Information Study (WIS) are used (provided by
the user for the site of interest) by the program HPDSIM to generate a wave
time-series and ultimately wave-induced currents. The net resulting tidal and
wave currents are then used to drive the sediment transport portion of the model.
These two routines are also used by the STFATE model within MDFATE to
generate the water column currents that affect material settling for the short-term
A summary of the noncohesive and cohesive sediment transport algorithms
used by MDFATE can be mound in the description of LTFATE (Appendix F).
The avalanching routine applied in LTFATE is based on a routine developed
by Larson and Kraus (1989), who adapted the work of Allen (1970) on slope
failure. Allen's (1970) experiments showed that two limiting slopes occurred,
angle of initial yield and the residual angle after shearing, which were influenced
by the particle deposition-rate gradient, particle concentration at the time of
deposition, and particle size and density. Allen (1970) examined the effect of a
larger deposition rate at the top of a slope versus the toe of a slope, which in
effect produced a steepening by rotating the slope around the toe. When the
slope becomes unstable, it avalanches, and a new more stable slope is formed.
To account for consolidation of cohesive sediment, the procedure developed
by Poindexter-Rollings (1990) for predicting the behavior of a subaqueous
sediment mound was followed. The consolidation calculations used by
Poindexter-Rollings (1990) and used in LTFATE were based on finite strain
theory introduced by Gibson, England, and Hussey (1967). Numerical solutions
were developed by Cargill (1982, 1985). Finite strain theory is well-suited for
the prediction of consolidation in cases of thick deposits of fine-grained sedi-
ments because it provides for the effect of self-weight, permeability that varies
with void ratio, nonlinear void ratio-effective stress relationship, and large
strains (Scheffner et al. 1995).
Appendix E MDFATE Model
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