![]() Appendix F
Long-Term Fate (LTFATE)
of Dredged Material Model
This appendix provides information on the computer program used to execute
the Long Term FATE (LTFATE) model. LTFATE is a site-evaluation tool that
estimates the dispersion characteristics of a dredged material placement site over
long periods of time, ranging from days for storm events to a year or more for
ambient conditions. Simulations are based on the use of local wave and currents
input to the model. Local, site-specific hydrodynamic input information is
developed from numerical model-generated databases; however, user-supplied
data files can be substituted for the database-generated files described in this
LTFATE has the capability of simulating both noncohesive and cohesive
sediment transport. In addition, avalanching of noncohesive sediments and
consolidation of cohesive sediments are accounted for to accurately predict
physical processes that occur at the site. It should be emphasized that LTFATE,
although demonstrated to accurately simulate mound movement, is still under
development. Modifications are underway that will improve the basic descrip-
tion of sediment processes. These additions include modifications for mounds
on a sloped bottom bathymetry and layering of sediments to account for the
decrease in cohesive sediment resuspension potential with depth. Also, addi-
tional field and laboratory work are necessary to fully understand (and thus be
able to model) cohesive sediment erosion and deposition processes under high
shear stresses. LTFATE is designed to lend itself easily to code modification to
include new processes.
This appendix provides an overview of the theoretical background on which
the model is based, the personal computer (PC) requirements to run the model,
required input, and typical output. Details on all of these aspects can be found in
Scheffner et al. 1995.
Appendix F LTFATE Model
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