![]() Because the LTFATE model requires both tidal elevation and current (U and
tained in the data file. This input file can be generated through execution of the
program TIDES.EXE. However, the TIDES.EXE program requires an input
database of harmonic constituents at discrete locations and, through interpola-
tion, generates elevation and current constituents for any desired location into
the appropriate format in the file TIDAL.DAT. The constituent database has
been generated for the east coast, Gulf of Mexico, and Caribbean Sea (West-
erink, Luettich, and Scheffner 1993) and described in DRP Technical Note DRP-
1-13 (Scheffner 1994). Constituent output for a specific location can be
obtained by contacting CHL. The tidal constituent database for the west coast is
currently under development.
If tidal constituent coverage of the area of user interest is not available, tidal
constituent data will have to be obtained from alternate sources; for example,
WES technical reports, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
university sources, open literature, etc., or through harmonic analyses of avail-
able or collected elevation and current time series. Adequate data are usually
available, but will have to be located and supplied by the user. An example use
of external data is reported by Scheffner and Tallent (1994). If the user supplies
the necessary data, it must be formatted as shown in Table F1 and should be
named TIDAL.DAT.
Table F1
Example LTFATE Tidal Input Data File--TIDAL.DAT
The second file required for long-term simulation of dredged material mound
movement is a file containing a time series of wave height, period, and direction
named HPDSIM.OUT. This file can either be user supplied or generated intern-
ally by LTFATE and is in the format shown in Table F2. If LTFATE generates
the file, the additional file HPDPRE.OUT is required. The HPDPRE.OUT file
represents the precomputed cross-correlation matrix corresponding to a WIS
station location nearest the mound. The combined LTFATE/HPDPRE.OUT
Appendix F LTFATE Model
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