![]() Finally, the procedures recommended in this appendix to generate vertical
erosion versus frequency of occurrence utilizes a newly generated database of
tropical and extratropical storm surge elevation and current hydrographs. No
similar database has ever been available for use in an analysis similar to this.
Because the present analysis uses this database in conjunction with thoroughly
tested and documented hydrodynamic, sediment transport, and bathymetry
change modeling concepts, the approach can be considered to be comprehensive,
reasonably accurate, and appropriate for the purpose of developing disposal site
design criteria. Future improvements in the algorithms used to compute sedi-
ment transport, better values for storm induced processes, and more high quality
data on storm-induced erosion of dredged material mounds will provide higher
levels of accuracy in the computations and greater confidence in cap design.
Appendix G Procedures for Conducting Frequency-of-Erosion Studies
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