![]() U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research Report Summary, December 1998
Dredging Operations and Environmental Research Program
Contaminated Sediments
Environmental Risk Assessment and Dredged Material Management:
Issues and Application (TR DOER-2)
pants represented a broad range of stakeholders and
included permit applicants, dredged material manag-
consequences associated with dredging and dredged
ers, and risk assessors.
material disposal is a difficult task. Scientific ad-
vancements have made possible the collection of
It was the general consensus of workshop partici-
large amounts of complex technical information.
pants that risk assessment should be used to augment
The dredged material manager must often weigh and
and improve the dredged material management de-
balance multiple and sometimes conflicting lines of
cision-making process. The importance of using
evidences to reach a decision; and each decision
risk-based approaches early in the evaluation proc-
involves a certain level of uncertainty. The applica-
ess was emphasized. However, it was also noted that
tion of Environmental Risk Assessment methods
the current dredged material evaluation approach
will increase a manager's ability to make objective
would be adequate for the vast majority of dredged
dredged material management decisions.
material management decisions. Participants sug-
RESEARCH: A workshop entitled, "Environ-
gested that the greatest benefit of risk-based deci-
sion-making would be found by applying risk
mental Risk Assessment and Dredged Material Man-
assessment in the smaller percentage of projects
agement: Issues and Application" was held 18-20
where there is high uncertainty regarding the poten-
February 1998 in San Diego, CA. The purpose of
tial for adverse environmental impacts. Recommen-
this workshop was to bring together expertise in the
dations generally fell into two categories:
area of dredged material management and risk as-
(a) procedural recommendations (ways to improve
sessment to:
the dredged material decision-making process via
Solicit input on risk assessment guidance being
incorporation of risk-based approaches); and (b) rec-
developed for the dredged material program.
ommendations for improving existing assessment
tools (models, tests, etc.) so that they can be used
Identify important issues with regard to the ap-
more effectively to make risk-based decisions.
plication of risk assessment within the Corps'
regulatory program.
Identify areas for future research to improve
available in .pdf format on the World Wide Web at
http://www.wes.army.mil/el/dots and through Inter-
upon the process.
library Loan Service from the U.S. Army Engineer
SUMMARY: The workshop was attended by 78
Waterways Experiment Station (WES) Library, tele-
invitees representing Corps field elements, other
phone (601) 634-2355. To purchase a copy of the
Federal agencies, industry, and academia. Partici-
report, call NTIS at (703) 4870-4780.
About the Authors: Drs. David W. Moore (formerly WES), Todd S. Bridges, and Carlos Ruiz (WES
scientists) were the principal investigators for this research; contract support was provided by Drs. Jerry
Cura, Susan Kane Driscoll, and Donna Vorhees, Menzie-Cura and Associates, Inc., Chelmsford, MA, and
Dr. Dick Peddicord, Dick Peddicord & Co., Inc., Parkton, MD. Point of Contact: Dr. Todd S. Bridges,
telephone (601) 634-3632 or e-mail bridget@mail.wes.army.mil.
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