![]() more detailed testing upon reaching a contaminant concentration or biologically
defined threshold. The sentinel area approach in the Pacific Northwest uses a
similar tiered approach based on the occurrence of contaminants in predesignated
"sentinel" areas surrounding a site. The routine monitoring done in these
programs supplies some initial information on physical conditions at a dredged
material management site (e.g., remote ecological monitoring of the seafloor
system (REMOTS) sediment profiles, time series topography in the DAMOS
program) and uses it to make decisions regarding the necessity for further testing
(e.g., toxicity testing in the Puget Sound Dredged Disposal Analysis (PSDDA)
program). The monitoring programs may include special studies such as: wave
and current measurement programs at dispersive sites; benthic infauna abundance;
measurement of infaunal tissue concentrations at the management site and in the
near field; or measuring geotechnical parameters. However, in general, the
monitoring programs do not answer the data needs of the exposure assessment.
The workgroup recognized that the USACE should provide the user
community with a list of likely information sources which may include:
a. Resource agencies such as National Marine Fisheries Service, U.S. Fish
and Wildlife Service, state agencies.
b. Stakeholder groups such as sport fishermen organizations, tribal groups.
c. Academic institutions, particularly those maintaining local field stations.
d. Literature reviews including identifying web sites.
e. Gray literature including Site Designation Reports, Bureau of Land
Management and Minerals Management Service Reports, Fishery Reports,
state Coastal Zone Management Plans, Fish and Wildlife Service Reports,
National Estuary Program Comprehensive Management Reports,
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Wildlife Exposures Factors
Handbook, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System Permit Files;
U.S. Geological Survey Reports, U.S. Coast Guard Reports, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration-National Ocean Survey Reports,
U.S. Army Engineer Waterways Experiment Station Reports,
U.S. Biological Survey Reports, Office of Naval Research satellite
imagery, Department of Energy site conceptual exposure model software.
Technical points of contact.
Available Exposure Models
The more robust exposure assessments employed at relatively complex sites
will probably rely on one or more food chain and/or fate and transport models.
These are particularly important to integrate sediment physical-chemical
Chapter 2 Exposure Assessment Workgroup Summary
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