![]() material. There was concern that this community and its exposures are not
appropriately addressed.
Inherent physiological factors such as lipid synthesis and egg production or
timing of the life cycle may also drive the temporal and spatial scales of the model.
The workgroup developed several recommendations concerning the conduct of
exposure assessments at dredged material management sites. These include:
a. Clearly stated hypotheses and explicit statements of what the risk
assessment is trying to protect should precede the development of an
exposure conceptual model, the execution of any fate and transport or food
chain model, or the conduct of any exposure test.
b. Early stakeholder involvement in the development of an exposure
conceptual model should exist, and USACE and should specify where this
should be done in the technical framework.
c. Attention should be focused on those exposure pathways which are the
most likely contributors to risk for a given dredged material disposal
alternative (Table 1).
d. The exposure conceptual model should be part of any routine monitoring
program because it will help define data needs in the event the monitoring
data reach a threshold requiring further investigation.
e. In most cases, the reasonable maximally exposed (RME) individual
probably protects the sensitive fish-eating populations, but the exposure
assessment should consider region-specific dietary information.
The tiered sediment evaluation procedure should incorporate a screening
level exposure assessment early in the process, and this exposure
assessment should be used in interpreting bioaccumulation testing.
Research Needs
The workgroup discussed and suggested the following research for further
development of exposure assessments:
colonizers and their predators must be established. The group noted that
the potential for exposure to chemical contaminants early in the life of a
Chapter 2 Exposure Assessment Workgroup Summary
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