![]() Phase 1:
Determine whether there is reason to believe that sediments are
Phase 2:
Conduct a conservative screening-level analysis.
Identify exposure pathways
Compare measured or modeled exposure point concentrations
(EPC) to appropriate screening level effect values.
Phase 3:
Estimate the probability of adverse effects to individual species.
Estimate probabilities quantitatively where adequate data are
available or can be obtained.
Site-specific exposure information
Centralized database of ecological effects (ERED, etc.)
Exposure models
Bioassay information
Uncertainty assessment
Phase 4:
Evaluate probability of ecological consequences, extrapolating
from individual-level to population-level adverse effects.
Estimate probabilities quantitatively where adequate data are
available or can be obtained.
Figure 1. Risk-based decision framework for dredged material management. At the conclusion of each
phase, the regulator advances to the next phase if insufficient information is available to reach
a determination
Chapter 4 Risk Characterization Workgroup Summary
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