![]() Appendix C
Discussion Items
General Questions to be Addressed
by All Workgroups
a. How should information attained from the Army Corps' tiered testing
framework be used in a risk assessment?
b. When should risk assessment be used within the tiered assessment
c. Who will perform risk assessments on dredged material management
d. What are the limitations to conducting a risk assessment that is not site
specific (e.g., How can one use risk to rank management alternatives prior
to site selection)?
Exposure Assessment Workgroup
a. What are the important fate and transport pathways associated with
different disposal alternatives? What physical fate and transport models
can be used to model these pathways? Do the models predict
concentrations in ambient water and sediment?
b. Describe monitoring occurring at dredged material disposal sites (i.e.,
What types of physical, chemical, and biological data are being collected
at these sites?)
c. What other types of information could be collected during dredged material
evaluations to better facilitate evaluation of fate and transport mechanisms
(e.g., Since concentrations of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in ambient
waters can affect concentrations of freely dissolved organic contaminants
Appendix C Discussion Items
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