![]() d. Where/when has uncertainty analysis been used before in the context of
dredged material management? What benefits were attained by using
uncertainty analysis?
e. What are the appropriate temporal and spatial scales for characterizing
risks associated with dredged material management?
How should `reference' (as defined in the Ocean and Inland Testing
Manuals (USACE/USEPA 1991, 1998)) be used to assess risk
experienced by higher trophic organisms at dredged material disposal
sites? How can we determine if risk at a dredged material disposal site is
significantly greater than risk at a reference site?
g. What are important areas for future research? For example, which sources
of uncertainty have the greatest influence on decision-making? Is it
possible to reduce these areas of uncertainty? How should this uncertainty
be described or characterized?
h. How should bioaccumulation data be used in ecological or human health
risk assessments? For example, can body burdens measured in 28-day
bioaccumulation tests with the clam, Macoma balthica, be used as
surrogates for species that are consumed by humans? Should we be testing
species that people actually consume?
What is the role of comparative risk assessment in making management
How can one conduct a comparative risk evaluation of dredged material
management options (e.g., Subaqueous Confined Aquatic Disposal (CAD)
vs. Aquatic; Aquatic vs. Upland Confined Disposal Facilities (CDF))?
What are the limitations?
Appendix C Discussion Items
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