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Uncertainty about ecological and human health risk associated with dredged
material disposal alternatives can lead to delayed, costly, and unwise decisions.
This report examines sources of uncertainty in evaluating impacts of open-water
disposal with the goal of improving dredged material management decisions.
Uncertainty sources are prioritized to focus U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
(USACE) resources on reducing principal contributors to uncertainty and the
controversy that often accompanies it.
This report begins with a brief description of the USACE tiered evaluation of
dredged material, a summary of uncertainty analysis tools, and an explanation of
how uncertainty analysis can improve USACE dredged material disposal
decisions. Chapters 2 through 6 discuss the following:
a. The approach used to rank uncertainty sources in the tiered evaluation
(including complete risk assessments) of dredged material disposal at
open-water sites.
b. A detailed discussion of uncertainty sources within the tiered evaluation
of dredged material disposal.
c. Results of the preliminary ranking and recommendations for further
refinement of the ranking.
USACE/USEPA Technical Framework for
Evaluating Environmental Effects of Dredged
Material Management Alternatives
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA)/USACE Technical
Framework (USEPA/USACE 1992) for evaluating environmental effects of
dredged material management alternatives includes five major components:
evaluation of dredging project requirements, identification of disposal
alternatives, initial screening of alternatives, detailed assessment of alternatives,
and alternative selection. This report focuses on a portion of this framework to
identify important sources of uncertainty in evaluating dredged material for
disposal in one type of alternative: an open-water site.
Prior to disposal, dredged material undergoes a four-tiered evaluation
designed to match the level of analytical effort with the complexity of the
Chapter 1 Introduction
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