![]() for human or ecological health might not be considered. Because
scenario uncertainty is conceptual, it is difficult to quantify.
b. Model uncertainty arises from the necessary simplification of real-world
relationships among environmental components. For example,
bioaccumulation models are subject to imperfect knowledge about the
potential for accumulation of contaminants by benthic invertebrates. This
source of uncertainty is quantifiable, but the required level of effort
necessary to describe the uncertainty could be substantial. It could be
partially quantified by comparing model predictions with field
measurements. In addition, results could be compared among models that
have different structures, but are designed to predict the same output.
c. Parameter uncertainty arises from lack of knowledge about the true
distribution of model parameters, perhaps due to measurement error.
Measurement error is a common example of parameter uncertainty. This
source of uncertainty can be measured in various ways. For example
collection and analysis of field sample duplicates can provide an estimate
of uncertainty that can be reduced by improving sampling and analytical
methods. Of all the sources of uncertainty, parameter uncertainty is
probably the easiest to quantify.
Uncertainty analysis methods
Uncertainty analysis methods range from qualitative approaches (e.g., expert
judgment) to quantitative approaches, such as descriptive statistics and two-
dimensional Monte Carlo analysis. The choice among these methods depends on
project objectives and the quantity and quality of available data. Several available
methods are described as follows:
estimates can provide measures of uncertainty and variability.
b. Probabilistic analysis (with or without Latin Hypercube simulation)
(Vose 1996; Burmaster and von Stackelberg 1991) is used to describe
potential outcomes in terms of probability. With probabilistic
approaches, one can calculate correlation between model input
distributions and the predicted output distribution (e.g., exposure or risk)
to identify inputs that strongly influence predictions. One probabilistic
approach, two-dimensional Monte Carlo (Frey 1992; Burmaster and
Wilson 1996), allows the conceptual differences between variability and
uncertainty to be assessed separately. This separation facilitates the
application of model results to policy questions about exposed
populations and ecosystems, exposure levels, and research needs (Bogen
and Spear 1987; Frey 1992).
c. Value of Information (VOI) (Thompson and Evans 1997) is a decision
analytic framework that is an extension of uncertainty analysis. VOI is
used to determine whether the cost of obtaining information prior to
choosing a course of action is justified given the benefit of having that
information as input to the decision.
Chapter 1 Introduction
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