![]() d. Detailed assessment of alternatives.
e. Alternative selection.
In the initial screening, alternatives may be eliminated from further consideration
based on cost, technical feasibility, site availability, environmental impacts, or
other factors. This report focuses on uncertainties associated with estimating
potential environmental impacts due to chemical contamination of the dredged
material for an open-water disposal alternative.
Regulatory Framework
Regulation of dredged material disposal is the shared responsibility of
USACE and USEPA. USACE is the permitting authority while using
environmental guidelines and criteria developed in conjunction and consultation
with USEPA. Under the authority of the Marine Protection, Research and
Sanctuaries Act (MPRSA) of 1972 and the Clean Water Act (CWA), these
criteria and guidelines are used to evaluate the environmental acceptability of
various management alternatives. These criteria and guidelines establish
conditions under which the discharge of dredged material will not result in
significant degradation of the aquatic ecosystem or unacceptable adverse
environmental effects.
To determine environmental acceptability, the technical framework
(USEPA/USACE 1992) outlines a detailed assessment of alternatives, which
should include the following:
a. Evaluation of the adequacy and timeliness of existing data.
b. Evaluation of the physical characteristics of the sediment.
d. Performance of appropriate testing and assessments.
e. Evaluation of management options or control measures.
USEPA and USACE have established a tiered approach to testing and assessment
of the potential environmental impacts of open-water dredging projects. These
approaches are outlined in two documents, Evaluation of Dredged Material
Proposed for Ocean Disposal - Testing Manual (USEPA/USACE 1991),
otherwise known as the Ocean Testing Manual (OTM), and Evaluation of
Dredged Material Proposed for Discharge in Waters of the U.S. - Testing
Manual (USEPA/USACE 1998), referred to as the Inland Testing Manual (ITM).
Chapter 3 Regulatory Background
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