![]() subtle sublethal end points related to the maintenance of a viable population. The
interpretation of chronic bioassays should clearly define the relationship between
chronic sublethal end points, such as growth, to population end points, such as
survival and reproduction (Moore and Dillon 1993).
Population or demographic modeling is one method that can be used to
interpret the results of chronic bioassays (U.S. Army Engineer Waterways
Experiment Station (USAEWES) 1993). These models use life history
information (e.g., survival, growth, reproductive rates) to make projections about
potential population-level impacts (e.g., abundance over time). Using these
models in conjunction with chronic bioassay results, one can compare estimated
rates of population increase for dredged material and reference sediment.
Population modeling requires information on survivorship and fecundity of
the target population, information that can be obtained from well-designed
laboratory studies. In the environment, however, species are subject to both biotic
and abiotic forces contributing to their ability to reproduce, grow, and survive.
As with previous tiers, Type I and Type II error is involved in the comparison
between reference and dredged sediments. In addition, the analytical form of the
population model introduces model uncertainty, and estimates of survivorship
and fecundity introduce both variability and parameter uncertainty. Variability
can typically be addressed in the population model by using a stochastic
framework. One existing approach (Ferson 1991) models environmental
stochasticity through (a) random fluctuations in age- or stage-specific fecundities
and survivorships, (b) random fluctuations in carrying capacities (the maximum
sustainable population), (c) random fluctuations in dispersal rates, and (d) two
types of local or regional catastrophes.
The variability of each vital rate and carrying capacity is modeled with a
standard deviation. Each population can have a separate set of standard
deviations. The random fluctuations can be normally or lognormally distributed,
and can be correlated among populations. Within a population, survivals,
fecundities, and carrying capacities can be uncorrelated, perfectly correlated, or
negatively correlated. Descriptive statistics such as standard deviations on the
vital rates are obtained from the bioassay data; however, these values incorporate
both uncertainty (measurement error) and variability (population heterogeneity).
First-order uncertainty analysis within a matrix framework can be used to
evaluate confidence in the predictions. Other options available for evaluating
uncertainty include the following:
a. Examine "within year" or "within season" measurements to estimate
measurement error.
b. Examine "among year" or "among season" measurements to estimate
c. Conduct a sensitivity analysis on each of the parameters in the
population model to evaluate the range of possible results predicted by
the model.
Chapter 4 Uncertainty in Tiered Evaluation of Dredged Material
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