![]() (McCarthy and Jimenez 1985; Landrum et al. 1985) and invertebrates
(McCarthy, Jimenez, and Barber 1985). Although considerable uncertainty exists
in measured values for Kdoc, experimental data suggest that Kdoc is approximately
a factor of 10 less than the Kow of a chemical (Landrum et al. 1984).
Temporal considerations: Degradation of labile contaminants.
Approaches for estimating risk associated with disposal of dredged material often
do not consider the potential for microbial biotransformation or other degradation
processes (e.g., hydrolysis, photooxidation) that effect labile organic
contaminants. Numerous studies have demonstrated the degradation of organic
contaminants by microorganisms in pure culture and in natural sediments
(Herbes and Schwall 1978; Cerniglia and Heitkamp 1989). When dredged
sediments are removed from sources of contamination, concentrations of low
molecular weight PAHs may decline significantly over time due to
biodegradation that occurs at the disposal site. In this example, risk could be
overestimated at the disposal site.
Prediction of the rate of degradation is uncertain because rates of microbial
degradation can be affected by a variety of factors, including temperature,
salinity, and adaptation of the ambient microbial community (Shiaris 1989). For
example, rates of transformation of PAHS can be 3,000 to 125,000 times greater
in contaminated sediments than in uncontaminated sediments (Herbes and
Schwall 1978). This phenomenon can be quantitatively reflected by a
biodegradation rate constant in a fate and transport model.
Bioaccumulation of COCs
Organisms can bioaccumulate and biomagnify dredged material contaminants
from sediment and water. After the fate and transport of contaminants in the
environment are estimated, bioaccumulation potential is evaluated.
A variety of models are used to estimate the bioaccumulation of COCs. In
these models, exposures can be estimated for upper trophic level receptors. For
aquatic organisms, models that predict the concentration of COCs in tissues of
exposed organisms are usually used (Gobas 1993; Thomann 1989). These models
predict concentrations of COCs in benthic invertebrates and in higher trophic
level fish. For semiaquatic organisms, models that predict a daily dose of COCs
are typically used (Opresko, Sample, and Suter 1994). Models are also available
that relate contaminant concentrations in prey to concentrations in eggs of fish-
eating birds in the form of biomagnification factors. Human-based exposure
models typically predict a daily dose of COCs (USEPA 1992). Uncertainties
associated with each approach are described in the following sections.
Bioavailability of contaminants from sediment for ecological receptors.
Sediment bioaccumulation tests are used in Tier III to measure accumulation of
contaminants from samples of dredged material (USEPA/USACE 1991, 1998).
USACE has developed a database from these sediment bioaccumulation tests and
other sources that demonstrates the variability in reported BSAFs
framework exists for predicting bioaccumulation of metals or polar organic
chemicals from sediment. This could be a major source of uncertainty in the risk
Chapter 5 Uncertainty in Tier IV Risk Assessments
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