![]() Very little information is available on how often contaminants in the
environment reach equilibrium among phases. If equilibrium conditions
are not reached, time-variant models are more appropriate for predicting
contaminant concentrations. The distributions of contaminant
concentrations might differ from predicted concentrations if the system is
not in equilibrium because there is high temporal variability or because
biological processes maintain disequilibrium conditions. Many
ecosystem and physical processes are variable over time. The input of a
contaminant into an estuary, for example, can occur during episodic
events, such as large storms or periodic disposal of dredged sediments.
An example of biological processes that result in deviations from
equilibrium conditions would be the detoxification of metals in tissues of
animals by sequestration into granules. The quantitative importance of
the uncertainty associated with the use of equilibrium models, rather than
time-variant models, can be significant (Ludwig et al. 1993; USEPA
1996b), and is ranked MS in Table 1, because the significance will vary
from model to model.
b. Parameter uncertainty in uptake models. The Gobas (1993) and
Thomann (1989) exposure models require a variety of input parameters
that are derived from various sources. For example, some are based on
observed allometric relationships. Others are based on observed
relationships to the physical/chemical characteristics of the COC.
Uncertainty associated with these parameters will contribute to
uncertainty in tissue concentrations and risk estimates. An overall
estimate of the contribution of these models to uncertainties in the risk
assessment is provided at the end of this section. The individual
parameters have moderate magnitudes of uncertainty and moderate
difficulty for reducing uncertainty because they vary from site to site and
can be measured only with substantial effort. For humans, these
parameters can be very difficult to measure when appropriate biomarkers
are not available and they vary from one contaminant to the next.
The Gobas (1993) model assumes that fish take up chemicals from the
water (via the gills) and through the consumption of food. Loss of
chemicals occurs via the gills to the water, via egestion of fecal matter,
or by growth of the organism, which dilutes its concentration. The Gobas
model uses various assumptions to estimate these uptake and loss rates.
Uncertainty in these estimates will contribute to uncertainty in estimates
of exposure and risk to the fish and its consumers. The following section
discusses the importance of parameter uncertainty for the following
parameters of the Gobas model: uptake from water, uptake from food,
ingestion and elimination, and growth rates.
(1) Uptake from water. The rate at which fish take up chemicals from
water depends upon the gill ventilation rate and the rate of diffusion
of the chemical across the gills. The Gobas (1993) model uses
experimental data to derive uptake rates based on the following:
(a) Kow of the compound.
Chapter 5 Uncertainty in Tier IV Risk Assessments
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