![]() kE = 0.25 kD
where kD is the dietary uptake rate constant. In the environment,
there is variability between species, locations, and seasons in the
actual rates and uncertainty in applying rates from the literature to
field conditions at a particular site.
(4) Growth rates. No uncertainty is reported for the equations used for
generalized growth of fish (Thomann, Connolly, and Parkerton
kG = 0.00251 VF 0.2
for temperature around 25o C
kG = 0.000502 VF
for temperatures around 10o C
kG = the growth rate constant
VF = the wet weight of the fish, kg
(5) Sensitivity analysis for food-chain models. Each of the
bioaccumulation models uses a set of parameters to predict the body
burdens of organic contaminants in higher organisms. The
uncertainty associated with these parameters contributes to the
uncertainty of the risk estimate. Burkhard (1998) compares the
sensitivity of the Gobas (1993) and Thomann (1989) model outputs
to changes in input parameters. Sensitivity of the models was
determined by running each model once with nominal input values,
changing one input value by 10 percent, and running the model with
the altered input value. A sensitivity of 1.0 means that a 10 percent
change in the input parameter resulted in a 10 percent change in the
model output. In this case, the model output examined was the
Bioaccumulation Factor (BAF), which is equal to the ratio of the
lipid-normalized concentration of chemical in fish to the
concentration of freely dissolved chemical in water.
For both models, the input parameters with the largest influences
(a) Lipid contents of the organisms.
(b) Kow of the chemical.
(c) Ratio of the concentration of chemical in sediment organic
carbon to the concentration in overlying water ΠSOCW.
(d) Feeding preferences of the organisms (only for chemicals with
log Kow exceeding 6).
Chapter 5 Uncertainty in Tier IV Risk Assessments
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