![]() Note, however, that the findings of Burkhard (1998) are based on
the analysis of a Great Lakes food web in which benthic organisms
are an important food source for higher trophic level organisms. In
food webs where the benthic component is less important, the
importance of the input parameters on the uncertainties associated
with predicted output parameters will be different.
Iannuzzi et al., (1996) developed probabilistic distributions for
several important parameters that are typically used in mechanistic
bioaccumulation models to predict the uptake of organic
contaminants in aquatic food webs. The ranges, central tendencies,
and distributions of key parameters of the models were derived
from a critical evaluation of the literature on the physiology and
ecology of three common estuarine organisms. Distributions of the
physical/chemical characteristics (i.e., the octanol-water partition
coefficient Kow) for several congeners of PCBs were also compiled
from the literature.
The model used by Iannuzzi et al. (1996) is based on a Monte Carlo
version of the equations developed by Thomann, Connolly, and
Parkerton (1992), and Gobas (1993). This model was used to
estimate the concentrations of five coplanar PCB congeners in adult
mummichog fish, blue crab, and striped bass, using distributions of
available data on PCB and total organic carbon (TOC)
concentrations that were measured in surface sediments from the
Passaic River in northern New Jersey. A model sensitivity analysis
was performed in order to measure and rank the sensitivity of the
bioaccumulation model output (i.e., concentration of contaminant in
fish and crabs) to each of the input parameters.
Results of the sensitivity analysis suggest that the following input
parameters most influence the model (not listed in order of
(a) BSAF (biota-sediment accumulation factor) for infaunal
(b) Lipid content.
(c) Chemical concentrations in sediment.
(d) TOC content of sediments.
(e) The chemical assimilation efficiency (CAE).
Residence time in the river for striped bass.
(g) log Kow.
In summary, both Burkhard (1998) and Ianuzzi et al. (1996)
concluded that the lipid content of the exposed organisms and the
Chapter 5 Uncertainty in Tier IV Risk Assessments
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