Preliminary Ranking and
Table 4 lists the preliminary ranking scores for uncertainty sources in the
tiered evaluation of dredged material. These scores should be viewed as initial
estimates of the relative amount of uncertainty associated with each source.
Scores ranged from 1 to 6. A source of uncertainty considered in the tiered
evaluation process and ranked low in magnitude received a score of 1. A source
of uncertainty for which the tiered evaluation process offers no explicit guidance
and which is ranked high in magnitude received a score of 6. A relatively small
subset of sources received a score of 3 or higher, and these sources are described
in the following paragraphs. Efforts to describe and reduce uncertainty in
dredged material disposal decisions should begin with these sources. Sources that
were not ranked (NR), classified as model-specific (MS), or classified as project-
specific (PS) were not scored, although they might be important. It is beyond the
scope of this report to quantify their importance. The following sections describe
sources of uncertainty, scored or unscored, that are good candidates for further
COC Characterization
Identification of COCs received a score of 3 because some COCs might not be
evaluated at all in the tiered process. For example, contaminants that may have
potential endocrine-disrupting effects are not considered explicitly in USACE
guidance, although potential COC lists include some of these compounds.
Selection of Reference Sediment
Selection of reference sediments was not scored because, while applicable
USACE guidance is appropriate and thorough, uncertainty associated with poor
application of this guidance could not be quantified. However, it is clear that this
source of uncertainty deserves attention because the selection of reference
sediments is central to decisions made at every tier.
Chapter 6 Preliminary Ranking and Recommendations
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