![]() U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research Report Summary, December 1999
Dredging Operations and Environmental Research Program
Contaminated Sediments
Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessment Guidance for Aquatic
Environments (TR DOER-4)
assessment within the dredging program. Guid-
ance for assessing ecological risk includes a
consequences associated with dredging and
discussion of problem formulation, including
dredged material disposal is a challenging task.
conceptual model development and the selection
Scientific advancements have made possible the
of assessment and measurement endpoints, ex-
collection of large amounts of complex techni-
posure and effects assessment, and risk charac-
cal information. The dredged material manager
terization. Standard approaches for assessing
must often weigh and balance multiple and
human health risk, including hazard identifica-
sometimes conflicting lines of evidence to reach
tion, toxicity assessment, and risk charac-
a decision; and each decision involves a certain
terization, are also discussed within the context
level of uncertainty. The application of Environ-
of aquatic placement of dredged material. Guid-
mental Risk Assessment methods will increase
ance is provided for conducting uncertainty
a manager's ability to make objective manage-
analysis for both ecological and human health
ment decisions when data collected in Tiers I-III
risk assessments. Sources of additional informa-
of the dredged material evaluation framework
tion on risk assessment applications, toxicity
are insufficient for decision making.
profiles, and other tools used in risk assessment
RESEARCH: The objective was to develop
are provided in appendixes.
guidance for conducting human health and eco-
logical risk assessments to evaluate potential
available in .pdf format on the World Wide Web
impacts associated with aquatic placement of
at http://www.wes.army.mil/el/dots and through
dredged material.
Interlibrary Loan Service from the U.S. Army
SUMMARY: The guidance contained within
Engineer Research and Development Center
this report includes an overview of ecological
(ERDC), Waterways Experiment Station
and human health risk assessment and recom-
(WES) Library, telephone (601) 634-2355.
mendations on the proper application of risk
About the Authors: Drs. David W. Moore (formerly WES) and Todd S. Bridges, Environ-
mental Laboratory, WES, ERDC, were the principal investigators for this research; contract
support was provided by Drs. Jerry J. Cura and Wendy Heiger-Bernays, Menzie-Cura and
Associates, Inc., Chelmsford, MA.
P oint of Contact: D r. T od d S. B ridg es, telephone (601) 634-3626, or email
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