![]() Problem Formulation/Hazard Identification
What are the risk assessment objectives?
What are the contaminants of concern (COCs)?
What are the sources of COCs?
What organisms and humans may contact the
What ecological values are we trying to protect?
Exposure Assessment
What are the concentrations of COCs that humans
or organisms may encounter?
What is the amount of a COC that a human or
organism may receive?
What are the human activities or ecological life
histories which result in exposure?
Effects or Toxicity Assessment
What kinds of deleterious effects are associated
with the COCs?
At what concentrations or doses do these
effects occur?
Can we choose an effect level appropriate to the
humans and organisms who might be exposed?
Risk Characterization
How does the estimate of the exposure to a
of effect
contaminant of concern compare to the
estimate of the chosen effect level?
Uncertainty Analysis
What are the sources of uncertainty at each step?
Can we quantify uncertainty?
How sensitive are our estimates to various
Figure 1.
Components of risk assessment and questions addressed
Chapter 1 Overview of Ecological and Human Health Risk
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