![]() Developing a Conceptual Model
What is Purpose of the Conceptual Model?
This section provides guidance for developing a conceptual model by asking these simple questions:
a. What humans or other organisms might be exposed to contaminants associated with dredged material
management activities?
b. What are the contaminants associated with the dredged material?
c. What are the physical or biological processes which might link the contaminants with the humans or
other organisms?
The development of the conceptual model poses these questions and takes the initial steps toward
answering them. However, this attempt is the overall task of the risk assessment which will revisit these
questions in an iterative manner throughout the process.
How Does the Risk Assessment Develop the Answers to These Questions?
As the first step in an iterative process, the conceptual model is an integration of existing information in a
graphical and written format. The level of detail will vary with the complexity of the local environment,
the number and types of contaminants, and the various dredged material management alternatives under
The development of the conceptual model requires characterizing the environmental setting and describing
the potentially complete exposure pathways. The dredged material manager will recognize that much of
the information necessary to develop the conceptual model is available through the Tiered Evaluation
Chapter 2 Problem Formulation
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