![]() migration of contaminants based on the site-specific physical conditions, chemistry,
and geology. It provides neither a quantitative estimate of the amount of
contaminant moving along a specific pathway nor an estimate of resulting
concentrations. Subsequent components of the risk assessment will incorporate
information on the amount of a contaminant moving along this pathway and
evaluate whether that amount poses a potential risk to a human or other organism.
The dredged material manager will recognize that much of the information
necessary to meet these goals is available through the Tiered Evaluation Process.
Figure 2 shows where information obtained during that process relates to these
overall goals. In most cases, attaining these goals does not require new data but is
an integration of the comprehensive analysis conducted in Tier I, supplemented with
the information collected in Tier II of the testing manuals. The risk assessor should
review National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) documentation and associated
information during the development of the conceptual model. Clearly, the various
Tier I tasks such as summaries of physical, chemical, and biological information,
field monitoring studies, descriptions of the various sources of contaminants to the
dredged material, and the review of regulatory permits in the area contribute to the
development of the characterization. The conceptual model is a framework for
organizing previously acquired information.
Steps in developing a conceptual model
There are seven steps in developing a conceptual model (Figure 3).
1. Describe the dredged material management activity.
2. Identify the kinds and spatial extent of habitats that are present in and
around the management area.
3. Identify the species and humans that may use these habitats and that may be
potential receptors.
4. Specify the contaminants of concern.
5. Describe mechanisms which may bring a contaminant into contact with a
human or other organism.
6. Describe the potential routes of contact between the contaminant and the
7. Describe the complete exposure pathway.
Step 1: Describe dredged material management activity
The first step in developing the conceptual model is to provide a narrative
description of the proposed dredged material management activity. This description
should include the manner of sediment dredging and disposal, the amount of
material under consideration, and the source of dredged material. The
Chapter 2 Problem Formulation
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