![]() Characterize ecological receptors
For each chosen receptor, the assessment should include a species profile which
characterizes the biological properties of the selected receptors. These profiles
consist of text descriptions of the relevant ecological and physiological
characteristics and taxonomic relationships of the receptors. These include, but are
not limited to, descriptions of: trophic status, feeding type, food preferences,
ingestion rates, range, prey, predators, migratory habits, breeding habits, likely
habitats, population estimates, reproductive strategies, substrate and habitat
preferences, and life history. The profiles should also include any particular
vulnerabilities or status of the species as rare, threatened, or endangered. Note that
profiles should include, as much as possible, site specific aspects of an organisms
biology. For example, it is important to know whether a receptor organism breeds
near the site.
The product of this step is a written characterization of ecological receptors
derived from: a literature review, reviews of existing studies, and results of surveys
during the site selection process or monitoring at existing sites. This
characterization will be used in the development of exposure scenarios and the risk
Chapter 2 Problem Formulation
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