![]() community structure of the fish populations near a dredged material management
The selection of assessment and measurement end points should be an inclusive
process which includes input from those groups which may be affected by dredged
material management decisions. The process of selecting assessment end points
began with the conceptual model when habitats and other receptors at or near the
site were identified. The problem formulation continues to refine and explicitly state
the assessment end points. They can be specific to the receptors that are present at
and adjacent to the site.
The number of assessment endpoints selected at a site will vary depending on
site characteristics, the habitats and receptors, and concerns of site managers and
other interested parties. Additional guidance on the selection of assessment
endpoints is available in USEPA/ERT (1997) and in guidance developed by various
USEPA regions and states including California, Massachusetts, and Texas.
Selecting Assessment End Points
This subsection identifies the criteria used to select and evaluate, in narrative
form, assessment end points. Figure 6 summarizes the selection criteria. USEPA
Guidance (USEPA 1992a and references cited therein) suggests six criteria for such
a. Ecological relevance.
b. economic importance.
c. Measurable
d. Susceptible and sensitive to chemically induced stress or other stresses.
e. Unambiguously defined.
f. Logically and practically related to the management decision.
The risk assessment should include a narrative evaluation of whether and how each
of these criteria are met.
Chapter 2 Problem Formulation
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