![]() The products of this subsection constitute a narrative or tabular presentation of
assessment and measurement end points with a clear explanation of whether the
assessment end points meet the criteria for selection and a qualitative evaluation of
whether the measurement end points meet each of the attributes. This will help
develop an assessment of the uncertainty associated with each measurement end
Example 9: Evaluating The Assessment End Point, Health, and Maintenance of Local Flounder
Consultation with the State Division of Marine Fisheries and the Save The Embayment Association (a
citizen's action group) indicates that the area around the planned dredged material management site is a
commercial flounder fishery. These groups are concerned that the disposal of dredged sediments from the
marina slips may adversely affect flounder populations.
The assessment end point "health and maintenance of local flounder populations" is a reasonable
assessment end point and it meets the evaluation criteria.
Ecological relevance - Flounder are major bottom feeders in this section of the Bay.
Flounder populations generally play a major role in such marine ecosystem level properties
as maintenance of invertebrate diversity and nutrient cycling.
Economic importance - Flounder are important economically in this portion of the bay.
They constitute a commercial fishery year round and an important recreational fishery
during summer in nearshore waters.
Measurable - The health and maintenance of local fish populations are measurable
Susceptible and sensitive to chemical induced stresses - There are toxicological and
field studies supporting the sensitivity of fish to chemically induced stress.
Unambiguously defined - The health and maintenance of local fish populations is
clearly distinct from assessment of migrating fish or wide ranging fish. The term "local"
means populations whose feeding and migrating range is generally on the same scale as the
area of the continental shelf proximate to the dredged material management site.
Logically and practically related to the management decision - Flounder live and feed near
or on the sediments and are continuously exposed to surface water. Their protection as a
local resource will be affected by management decisions regarding dredged material
disposal in this region of the shelf.
Chapter 2 Problem Formulation
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