![]() Human Health Exposure Assessment
A human health exposure assessment builds upon the qualitative descriptions in the conceptual model to
calculate a quantitative estimate of the exposure of selected human receptors to the COC. This
quantitative estimate may be:
a. A concentration in some environmental media such as sediment or water.
b. An estimate of the dose of a contaminant of concern to a human receptor through ingestion of fish
or shellfish.
What are the steps in conducting a human health exposure assessment?
The human health exposure assessment proceeds by:
a. Describing the exposure pathways along which humans may contact the contaminants of concern.
b. Consulting EPA guidance and background documents which provide information on various
factors which may affect the calculation of human exposures to contaminants of concern.
c. Estimating the amount of a contaminant of concern which a human receptor may ingest or
How does the exposure assessment relate to human health risk?
The human exposure assessment should quantify the exposure a dose of contaminant of concern for
comparison to published human toxicity factors for cancer and noncancer effects.
Exposure Assessment
The exposure assessment develops exposure scenarios which are detailed
descriptions of:
a. A human receptor's activities which result in exposure to the COC.
b. The pathway and route by which the human receptor contacts COC.
contaminant contacted or ingested.
Chapter 4 Human Health Risk Assessment
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