![]() direct pathways may be of concern. Appendix E provides the equations to quantify
these potential exposures.
Table 2
Conditions Which May Require Assessment of Direct Human Health Exposures
Conditions which May Require
Direct Pathway
Potential Receptors
Assessment of Pathway
Nearshore site
Direct ingestion of sediment
Recreational users
(swimmers, waders, boaters, naturalist,
Intertidal site
trespassers) or off-site resident
Containment island which may attract
recreational users
Upland site (for a naturalist or
Dredged material management
Direct ingestion of sediment
Dredged material management workers
(barge worker, pipeline worker)
sites which require workers to be at
the site for more than one season
Dredged material management
options which may require routine
contact with sediments
Dredged material management which
may require long-term maintenance of
a management facility.
Near shore site
Direct ingestion of surface water
Recreational or off-site resident
Intertidal site
Containment Island
Upland site where groundwater
discharge is a potential concern.
Dredged material options which may
Direct ingestion of surface water
W orker
require long-term maintenance of a
Upland sites where discharging
groundwater or dewatering in
excavation may occur.
Management options which require
Inhalation of volatilized contaminants or
W orker or off-site resident
fugitive dust
dredged material to be exposed to
atmosphere, especially nearshore
Management or transport options
which allow dredged material to dry at
surface during transport or storage.
Chapter 4 Human Health Risk Assessment
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