![]() up the site to within the range set in Step 7. A risk manager must take many
factors into consideration when making a decision. These factors include:
a. Compliance with regulations.
b. Long-term and short-term effectiveness.
c. Cost, state acceptance.
d. Community acceptance.
At the end of Step 8 is an SMDP for approval of the risk management decision,
which is finalized in a Record of Decision (ROD).
This guidance document clearly outlines the necessary steps to conduct an
ecological risk assessment. It also includes a glossary of important terms, and
appendix entitled "Example Ecological Risk Assessments," an appendix entitled
"Supplemental Guidance on Literature Search," an appendix on "Statistical
Considerations," and a copy of the "Representative Sampling Guidance
Document, Volume 3: Ecological" (USEPA/ERT 1997).
USEPA CERCLA Guidance Documents
Document: "Risk assessment guidance for superfund, Volume I, Human-
health evaluation manual (Part A), Interim final," (USEPA/OERR 1989a).
Document: "Risk assessment guidance for superfund, (RAGS) Volume II,
Environmental evaluation manual, Interim final" (USEPA/OERR 1989b).
Document: "Risk assessment guidance for superfund, Volume I, Human
health evaluation manual (Part C) Risk evaluation of remedial alternatives,"
(USEPA/OERR 1991).
Document: "Guidance for data usability in risk assessment (Part A), Final
publication" (USEPA/OERR 1992b).
Document: "Guidance for the data quality objectives process" (EPA/600/R-
96/055), USEPA Quality Assurance Management Staff, Washington, DC.
(USEPA/ORD 1994).
USACE Guidance Documents
Document: "Risk assessment handbook human health evaluation," EM 200-1-
4, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Washington, DC. (Headquarters, USACE
Contact: None Given
Appendix A Summary of Federal, State, and Regional Guidance
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