![]() Florida
"Guidelines for the preparation of contamination assessment
reports for petroleum contaminated sites." (Department of
Environmental Regulation, State of Florida Bureau of Waste
Cleanup Technical Review Section 1989).
The Florida Department of Environmental Protection has prepared this
document. It is driven by human health considerations rather than ecological
considerations. The state does not have a formal ecological risk assessment
guidance document.
"Guidance for selecting media remediation levels at RCRA solid
waste management units." Georgia Environmental Protection
Division, Atlanta (1996).
Summary: This document outlines the use of risk assessment to determine
remediation levels at RCRA facilities. The determination of risk-based
remediation levels fits into the RCRA Facility Investigation (RFI) step in the
RCRA Corrective Action Progress. The purpose of the RFI is to characterize the
nature and extent of releases, assess the risk posed by those releases, and identify
potential media remediation levels. This document presents general requirements
for using risk assessment to determine remediation levels that are protective of
human health and of ecological receptors.
To assess risk to human receptors, chemicals of potential concern (COPCs) for
each medium must be identified. If the risk or hazard of a particular COPC
exceeds certain "trigger levels," then the chemical is designated a chemical of
concern (COC). The "trigger levels" are:
a. Carcinogenic risk - if the cumulative cancer risk ("the summed risk to a
receptor of all COPCs for all pathways per land use scenario") is greater
than 1 10-6.
b. Noncarcinogenic risk - if the total hazard quotients (HQs) of all COPCs
for all pathways per land use scenario (HI) exceed 1.
Remediation levels for the protection of human health are backcalculated using
Region IV Supplemental Guidance to RAGS attached to this guidance document
for each COC (not COPC) in each affected medium. A justification of each
remediated value must accompany the value in the RFI report.
Ecological risk assessment under the Georgia guidance employs a screening
approach. The initial step is a preliminary risk evaluation (PRE). The PRE uses a
benchmark approach RCRA facilities in which the facility-related contaminant
concentrations are compared with USEPA Region 4 ecological screening values.
If the screening values are exceeded, four steps are followed:
1. Problem formulation.
2. Ecological effects evaluation.
Appendix A Summary of Federal, State, and Regional Guidance
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