![]() WEB Sites
This section provides descriptions and electronic addresses for WEB sites
which contain information useful in conducting risk assessments. These include
sites maintained by Federal agencies, state environmental agencies, and
professional societies. The section is not exhaustive, but the reader should be
aware that most of these sites maintain links to other relevant sites. For each
identified site, this subsection provides a brief description of the categories of
information available.
Federal Agencies
United States Army Corps of Engineers/Waterways
Experiment Station Environmental Lab
This site describes the Environmental Laboratory, the research staff, and its
mission. What's New, WES Maps, and a description of corps training can be
accessed from this Web Site.
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Internet Address:
Particular sites of interest that can be accessed from the USEPA's homepage are
listed. Also, you can reach the homepage of each USEPA region by selecting
"Offices and Regions" at the USEPA homepage. A map of the United States will
appear and you can click on the region of interest and view the homepage for that
IRIS (Integrated Risk Information System)
Internet Address:
"IRIS is an electronic database containing information on human health effects
that may result from exposure to various chemicals in the environment." IRIS
contains chemical files containing information such as oral reference doses and
inhalation reference concentrations for chronic noncarcinogenic health effects and
hazard identification, oral slope factors, and oral and inhalation unit risks for
carcinogenic effects. The database also contains supporting information such as a
description of the rationales and methods used to develop the values described
above, a discussion of the limitations to the use of information in IRIS, and a
glossary of terms and acronyms used in the chemical files. The chemicals are
listed alphabetically and are searchable by name or by Chemical Abstracts Service
Registry Number (CASRN).
Appendix C Information Sources
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