![]() Elimination of pyrene from rats exposed to a pyrene aerosol (500 mg/L, 0.3
to 0.5 mm particles) for 60 min was reported (Mitchell and Tu 1979 as cited in
USEPA 1982) to rapidly occur primarily via the liver and biliary system. When
50 ug of pyrene was administered in a gelatin-saline suspension to two rats by
stomach tube, approximately one-half of the administered pyrene was still
present in the gastrointestinal tract after 24 hr (Mitchell and Tu 1979 as cited in
USEPA 1982).
Ecological effects
The reader is requested to review the toxicity profile for PAHs for
information regarding ecological effects. A no effect level of 5 mg/L was
observed for trout in an acute (24 hr) exposure. Adequate data for
characterization of toxicity to domestic animals and wildlife are not available.
Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS) on-line database. (1992).
International Agency for Research on Cancer. (1983). "IARC monographs on the
evaluation of the carcinogenic risk of chemicals to humans," Vol 32.
Polynuclear aromatic compounds, Part 1, Chemical, environmental and
experimental data. World Health Organization, Lyon, France.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. (1980). "Ambient water quality criteria
for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons," EPA 440/5-80-069, Washington, DC.
. (1982). "An exposure and risk assessment for benzo(a)pyrene and other
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons," Vol IV, Final Draft Report, Washington,
Appendix D Toxicological Profiles
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