![]() f. Is the site near a wetland such as a salt marsh, Typha marsh, tidal flat, or
flood plain?
g. Is the site near a productive commercial or recreational fishery?
h. Are there habitats identified by local, state, or Federal agencies for
special protection such as critical habitat for endangered species, a
national seashore park, or a state wetland refuge near the site?
i. Are there Federal, state, or endangered species near the site?
The management area for this dredging project is in a coastal bay that is
approximately 8 3 km (5 2 miles) and connects to the open ocean through a
broad mouth. The management site is 5 km (3 miles) offshore. The nearshore
environment includes an extensive salt marsh. The bay has a sand and silt bottom
and a stratified, seasonal thermocline. There is a winter flounder fishery near the
site. There are migratory species, including winter flounder and mackerel, in the
area. There are no endangered species found near the site.
Identification of Species and Humans that May Use
Table F-1 is a summary list of species identified at or near the potential
dredged material management site. It characterizes the species by habitat (e.g.,
planktonic, benthic) and by function within the ecosystem. Most of this
information will have been assembled during the site designation process.
Tabulations such as these allow the risk assessor to judge the diversity of
habitats among the aquatic community and provide some sense of general
diversity and ecological function at the management site. Note that the species in
this table, while they occur at or near the site, will not necessarily be selected as
receptors for further analysis. For example, at most sites it is unlikely that
phytoplankton will receive more than a short-term exposure to the dredged
materials (primarily during disposal), because most of the contaminants
potentially associated with dredged materials have a high affinity for sediment
particles and low solubility.
Appendix F Hypothetical Example
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