![]() This is the incremental lifetime average daily intake for the consumption of
commercially harvested flounder using conservative, reasonable maximum
exposure assumptions.
Carcinogenic Risk Estimate for Consumption of
ILCR = Lifetime Average Daily Intake H CSF
= 5.6 H 10 -7 mg/kg/day
Lifetime average daily intake
= 7.7 (mg/kg/day) -1
CSF for total PCB
= 4.3 H 10 -6
The USEPA generally considers risks in the range of 10-6 to 10-4 as not
indicating a potential human health risk. Therefore, exposure to total PCBs due to
the proposed dredging project is unlikely to present a carcinogenic risk to the
local human populations. However, this example calculates only risk from
exposure to total PCBs. The summed ICLR due to exposure to PCBs and other
COCs may present an unacceptable risk.
Note that there is uncertainty associated with this risk estimate because the
USEPA currently emphasizes the need for congener specific analyses in
assessing risk from PCB exposure.
Appendix F Hypothetical Example
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