![]() Exposure point concentrations - estimates of the concentrations of the
contaminants of concern in environmental media to which the selected receptors
may be exposed along the completed pathways.
Exposure scenarios - detailed descriptions of a human receptor's activities which
result in exposure to the contaminants of concern; the pathway and route by
which the human receptor contacts contaminants of concern; physical, chemical,
and biological factors which affect the amount of the contaminant contacted or
Indirect exposure pathways - ingestion of seafood (finfish and shellfish, from
marine or freshwater sources) which contains contaminants of concern.
LOAEL - the lowest concentration, dose, or body burden in a particular study for
which adverse effects are reported.
Measurement end points - discrete observations that can be related to the
assessment end point.
NOAEL - the highest concentration, dose, or body burden in a particular study
for which no observable adverse effects are reported.
Problem formulation - a systematic planning stage that identifies the major
factors considered in the assessment, and establishes its goals, breadth, and focus.
Receptors - humans or organisms that might be exposed to the contaminants via
direct or indirect pathways.
Reference dose - the toxicity value used most often in evaluating
noncarcinogenic effects, resulting from exposures to chemicals. Defined as an
estimate of a daily exposure level for the human population, including sensitive
subpopulations (such as elderly and children) that is likely to be without an
appreciable risk of adverse effects during a lifetime.
Representative human receptors - humans who have a complete exposure
pathway as described in the conceptual model, and whose exposure is likely to
represent a reasonable worst case exposure to the COCs.
Representative ecological receptors - organisms whose life histories and habitat
requirements fairly represent the range of habitats and life histories for those
organisms with complete exposure pathways found near the dredged material
management site.
Site characterization - a general description of the environmental setting.
Toxic end points - the type of effect (e.g., survival, growth, reproduction, etc.)
associated with each toxicity factor.
Toxicity factor - environmental concentration, dose, body burden, or dietary
concentration associated with a particular effect.
Appendix G Glossary of Terms
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