![]() U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Research Report Summary, April 2000
Dredging Operations and Environmental Research Program
I n n o v a t i v e Te c h n o l o g y
Innovations in Dredging Technology: Equipment, Operations,
and Management (ERDC TR-DOER-5)
ISSUE: Historically, there has been no pro-
European applications. Several hundred docu-
ments and technologies were researched per-
grammatic or systematic approach to the dem-
taining to innovative dredging technologies and
onstration, evaluation, and reporting of new or
procedures. A series of site visits were made to
innovative applications of dredging technology
several institutions, dredge contractors, port
in the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers dredging
authorities, and project sites in Belgium, the
program. Attempts to exploit innovations de-
United Kingdom, The Netherlands, and Ger-
veloped within and outside the United States
many. Ninety-one technology fact sheets were
have also been random and less than ideal. To
prepared and each fact sheet contains the fol-
take advantage of advances in dredging technol-
lowing types of information about that technol-
ogy, a contract was awarded to survey and cata-
ogy: technology name, category, description,
logue innovative equipment, operations, and
company/organization, projects completed, in-
management techniques showing high potential
formation sources, and literature references.
for use in Corps dredging projects.
RESEARCH: The objective of the study was
The report provides detailed descriptions of 11
of the 91 technologies identified as having
to identify foreign and domestic commercial
promise. By investigating and documenting
technology that could help in reducing the over-
these solutions and reviewing them relative to
all cost of performing and managing dredging
the Corps dredging program, there is potential
products in the Corps. These technologies were
to identify and implement those procedures
to be identified as having a high potential for
showing high promise to reduce the cost of con-
increasing efficiency or productivity of the
ducting dredging operations performed or man-
dredging operations in order to be selected for
aged by the Corps.
evaluation using the following criteria: need in
Corps navigation dredging program, positive
benefits versus costs, high probability of imple-
available in .pdf format on the World Wide Web
mentation, and availabliity of co-sponsor.
at http://www.wes.army.mil/el/dots/doer/ and
SUMMARY: Initially, a literature review was
through Interlibrary Loan Service from the U.S.
Army Engineer Research and Development
used to identify the vast array of technologies
Center (ERDC), Waterways Experiment Station
and categories of equipment and procedures per-
(WES) Library, telephone (601) 634-2355.
taining to dredging operations with emphasis on
About the Authors: Study Investigators were Messrs. T. Neil McLellan and Robert
J. Hopman, Hartman Consulting Corporation, A Subsidiary of Foster Wheeler Environ-
mental Cooperation.
Point of Contact: Norman R. Francingues, Principal Investigator, telephone (601)
634-3703 or email francin@wes.army.mil.
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