![]() Current usage
SedErode provides real-time measurements with results in less than
10 min and has been used for over 6 years at 18 different European sites.
Operation and readouts of the SedErode are easily obtained.
Potential applications
SedErode has the potential for application at the following sites:
a. Evaluation of dredgeability and erosion studies of dredged materi-
als. SedErode could be used to verify the stability of fine-grained
sediments used for capping of contaminated sediments. It could
also be used to determine whether material placed in an offshore
disposal area will migrate from an ocean disposal site.
b. Other potential uses include bank stability analyses, determination
of season and duration effects, assessment of sediment changes af-
ter placement, and verification/analysis of the stability of dredge
Currently, the instrument can be contracted.
Purchase price is approximately $16,000 (US).
Nearshore Shelves
Rijkswaterstaat, the government agency in charge of navigation chan-
nels in The Netherlands, has begun to utilize nearshore placement tech-
niques using conventional bottom dump dredges to place material in the
nearshore for beach nourishment. Several shorelines along the North Sea
of The Netherlands have been experiencing erosion for some time.
Beginning in 1990, the Dutch government has concentrated on `soft'
engineering solutions such as beach nourishment. Since 1990, approxi-
mately 4 to 6 million m3/year have been placed on the beaches. Most of
the sediment was placed via hopper dredge pumpout operations.
In an effort to reduce operating costs and place more beach-quality sand
in the littoral system, the Rijkswaterstaat conducted an experiment in
Chapter 4
Detailed Evaluations
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