![]() River Vanes
The River Waal is one of the larger river branches that make up the
Rhein River delta system. The river supports commercial navigation from
the Port of Rotterdam into Germany and France. The river 's bedload is
primarily sand, with most of the shoaling occurring in bendways or mid-
channel in the form of sand waves. Several nondredging techniques have
been used to control shoaling in the river. The techniques include: armor-
ing the outside slope to force flow into the interior bank; groins, both
emergent and submerged, to train flow to the centerline of the channel;
and submerged, midstream vanes that reduce spiral flow near the river
bottom to diminish scour on the outside bank and decrease deposition on
the inside bank. Many of these techniques have been used in river sys-
tems throughout the United States except for the mid-river vanes (see
The vanes are sheet-pile driven into the river bottom to help control the
flow lines of the river, stabilizing the bendway by reducing the tendency
of the river to erode the outside bank while depositing on the inside bank.
Spacing, elevation off the bottom, and depth of burial are all dependent on
river dynamics and desired outcome. Approximately 1 million m3 of ma-
terial is dredged from the river each year. This amount is estimated to be
one half to one third the amount required for removal to meet authorized
dimensions if nondredging techniques were not used.
Potential applications
River vanes may be cost-effective for high-velocity rivers such as the
Columbia or the Mississippi. Vanes could reduce shoaling through bend-
ways; however, underkeel clearance must be considered for navigation
safety. Interviews with Rijkswaterstaat staff indicate that safety issues
and navigation concerns have been studied and proper clearance require-
ments developed.
Chapter 4
Detailed Evaluations
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