![]() ATB (Articulated Tug/Barge Unit)
Navigation/Positioning Systems
A tug/barge combination in which the tug is secured in a notch located in the stern of the barge,
by one of several mechanical systems. The system allows some freedom of motion between the
tug and barge with the predominant one being relative pitch about the Y axis. All systems
restrain the roll of the barge providing an easier ride in heavy seas. Other features include:
1. ATB can be quickly disconnected. Does not require a dedicated tug as does an ITB (integrate
tug barge) system.
2. Less hydrodynamic drag than conventional towed barge systems, faster, less fuel consumption.
3. Safer than conventional towed barge systems.
4. Good seakeeping/control up to 12-ft seas (have survived 48-ft head sea). Currently 27 units in
service for oil, aggregate, and cement transport. No bottom dump or split hull barges in service
Potential application: Large dredging projects requiring long hauls to the dump site in the open
Outfitting cost would depend on size. Could cost up to $1,000,000 per unit.
C. Woolley
Company / Organization(s):
Chapter 5 Other Technologies Reviewed
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