Dredged Material Disposal
Environmental Dredging
Environmental Monitoring
GLOBALtechs, the Internet site remediation technologies directory, provides detailed technical
and project information on over 600 proven international technologies. Subscribers to
GLOBALtechs can access technology descriptions, project data and results, technology contacts,
and cost information, all on-line. GLOBALtechs, searched via browser, keyword, or problem
solver, enables subscribers to identify technologies for specific site criteria. GLOBALtechs
provides pertinent, current information to both potential users and suppliers of site remediation
services, without vendor or developer bias. GLOBALtechs was created from merging two
databases currently commercially available: SEDTEC and REMTECTM. GLOBALtechs has
also been updated and expanded to provide the latest information and most innovative
technologies in site remediation. Information will occur on a continuous basis to ensure
subscribers access to the newest information.
SEDTEC, the contaminated sediment removal and treatment technologies directory, was created
by Environment Canada's Remediation Technologies Program (RTP) under the Great Lakes
2000 Cleanup Fund. The database contains over 250 international sediment removal and
treatment technologies with detailed information about the technologies and their projects.
SEDTEC is currently available in CD ROM and diskette format.
REMTEC, the site remediation technologies database, produced by Water Technology
International Corporation (WTI), offers a detailed review of over 500 site remediation treatment
technologies from around the world. WTI created this database to assist technology selection for
site remediation projects and it is commercially available in CD ROM and diskette format.
J. Lally
Company / Organization(s):
Information Sources:
Internet Address:
Disk distributed at WODCON
Internet Search Date: 9/20/98
Internet Links:
Environment Canada - Green Lane: http://www.ec.gc.ca; Water
Technology International Corporation: http://www.wti.cciw.com; Ontario
Centre for Environmental Technology Advancement OCETA):
http://www.oceta.on.ca; SEDTEC Home Page:
Marianne Woods
Cal Woolley
Interview Date:
Interview Location:
Chapter 5 Other Technologies Reviewed
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