![]() Onsite Confinement of Contaminated Dredged Sediments
Dredged Material Management
Operating Procedures
Lake Ketelmeer is located between two Polders at the mouth of the Ijssel River, a portion of the
Rhine River system. Over the past 30 years, pollution from industries along the river
contaminated sediments that covered 2,800 hectares of the 3,800-hectare lake with
approximately 0.5 m of contaminated soils.
To contain the contaminated sediment, the Dutch government designed and constructed a
350-hectare site in the middle of the lake with a capacity of 23 million yards. Onsite confinement
was chosen to reduce transportation costs.
The containment facility was built in three phases; 1) removal of the existing contaminants for
placement in a temporary holding area, 2) excavation of underlying peat and organic matter to
create wetland areas along the fringe of the project, and 3) excavation of glacial sand to a depth
of 45 m.
The sand was either sold, stockpiled or used to construct levees around the containment site.
Filling the facility is expected to take up to 20 years. The plan is to use extremely accurate
dredging methods to remove the sediments from the lake bottom and pump it into the
confinement basin. To reduce the chance of seepage of contaminated water into the surrounding
aquifer, the bottom portion of the site has be covered with a clay liner, and the site will not be
filled above the existing water table. In addition, a pumping system will remove water from the
site to ensure that pore pressure within the site remains less than outside the site. The extracted
water will be treated. The site will provide environmental enhancement, such as the construction
of wetlands and a boater destination. The construction cost of the Ketelmeer project is
approximately $150 million (U.S.).
N. McLellan
Company / Organization(s):
Projects Completed:
Ketelmeer Lake
Ketelmeerdijk, Holland
Project Cost:
$150 million (U.S.)
Information Sources:
W.C.F.H. (Wilbert) van Boldrik
Neil McLellan, Bob Hopman
Interview Date:
Interview Location:
Ketelmeerdijk, Holland
Field Investigations: Location:
Ketelmeerdijk, Holland
Photo Location:
Hartman Consulting Corporation, Bellevue, WA
Chapter 5 Other Technologies Reviewed
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