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Confined disposal facilities (CDFs) have historically been used for disposal
of both clean and contaminated dredged material from navigational dredging
projects where open-water disposal was not permitted. Many CDFs are nearing
capacity. Removal of uncontaminated materials from the CDFs is a viable option
for extending the life of these facilities. This approach carries the additional
benefit of producing a marketable product for beneficial uses, which can
potentially help to offset the cost of processing. Use of CDFs as rehandling
facilities, with long-term storage for only the most contaminated sediments, is
being investigated by the U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center
(ERDC), in partnership with the U.S. Army Engineer District, Detroit, the Great
Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency (USEPA), and local port authorities.
The feasibility of physical separation as a volume reduction method has been
demonstrated at Saginaw Bay (USEPA 1994), the Erie Pier CDF, Duluth/
Superior Harbor (Olin and Bowman 1996) and Fort Myers, Florida (Granat
1998). Despite successful demonstrations at these locations and continued
interest in the technology, physical separation has not yet been implemented as a
standard operational practice, with the exception of the Erie Pier CDF. In part,
this is due to the lack of internal expertise regarding physical separation and
feasibility determinations, the cost of feasibility evaluations, and equipment
A guidance document addressing principles of physical separation as they
apply to soils and sediments, and identifying standard equipment, selection
criteria, and potential sources was completed (USEPA 1999b). Technical notes
addressing recovery of materials from CDFs were also completed under the
Dredging Operations and Environmental Research (DOER) program (Olin-Estes
and Palermo 2000a,b; Olin-Estes 2000). Work is ongoing at ERDC, funded
under the DOER program, to develop bench-scale methods for economical
preliminary feasibility evaluations. While bench-scale testing is a necessary first
step, the limited volume of material that can be tested with these procedures
cannot provide information regarding the potential heterogeneities of large
quantities of material. Industry practice is to follow bench-scale testing with
evaluation of an intermediate volume of material using a representative unit
operation, such as a hydrocyclone. If these results are promising, a preliminary
Chapter 1 Introduction
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