![]() c. Capability to produce a dewatered coarse product.
d. Suitability of the equipment to handle a variety of sizes and types of
dredged material.
e. Portability of the unit.
Capacity of the unit.
g. Cost of the unit.
h. Cost of the demonstration.
Auxiliary equipment and site preparation requirements and costs.
Technical expertise required for operation.
k. Compatibility of equipment capacity with available storage area, water
handling capability, and material preparation and feed capability at the
demonstration site.
Preparation and auxiliary equipment requirements, adaptability, and technical
expertise requirements were all relatively readily determined from
product/offeror information and equipment design. Feed sensitivity and
separation efficiency are best evaluated based on a performance test. It was
anticipated that potential operational difficulties in this application and
considerations of scale and logistics should come to light as a result of the
demonstration. Samples were to be taken over a reasonable operating period to
permit an assessment of the efficiency of the unit in making the desired
separation, response to feed variations (if any), and the variability of the product
material. A successful test would meet the separation criteria in a dewatered
product, with a minimum of operational problems, at the specified efficiency.
For the proposed demonstration, the specified cut point was 75 m, with no more
than 10 percent fines (percent by weight passing a No. 200 sieve) in the
Chapter 1 Introduction
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