![]() Figure 4.
Metals versus oil and grease concentrations, Cell 5 material
The contaminant differences between the mineral and organic fractions were
as expected, revealing order of magnitude greater PAH and PCB concentrations
in the organic fraction. Metals were not as clearly distributed. Although higher
concentrations of metals were present in the organic fraction, they were at the
same order of magnitude as in the mineral fraction. Iron was an exception to this,
being an order of magnitude higher in the mineral fraction than in the organic
fraction. On average, metal concentrations were twice as high in the organic as
in the mineral fraction (excluding iron), and PAHs and PCBs in the organic
fraction averaged 18 and 7 times, respectively, that of the mineral fraction.
Cell 4 characterization and bench-scale testing
Particle size analysis. Samples C4P2, C4P4, and C4P6 were analyzed on
the Coulter particle size analyzer to verify that a significant sand fraction was
present. Percent greater than 75 m was approximately 40, 54, and 62 percent,
respectively (by volume). Coulter analysis of the homogenized C4B samples
indicated approximately 32.8 percent > 75 m. The samples taken from along
the inner radius C4S1-3 were also analyzed on the Coulter, with the volume
percent less than 75 m ranging from 96.5 to 99.6 percent, indicating that
particular area would not be a good candidate for sand recovery. Output from the
Coulter for the C4B samples is presented in Appendix A. Particle size analysis
results are given in Table 3.
Chapter 2 Project Description
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