![]() Figure 7.
PCB versus TOC concentrations, Cell 4 material
Site logistics
The Cell 4 staging area was much farther from the freshwater source than the
staging area originally selected for processing the Cell 5 material. Additionally,
the Cell 4 staging area was much smaller than the original site, making onsite
stockpiling of mechanically excavated material infeasible. It was therefore
decided to excavate only a small amount of Cell 4 material for screening testing,
and to excavate feed for the hydrocyclone using a modified jet pump. This was a
particularly attractive alternative because of the potential benefits of small-scale
hydraulic excavation or mechanical excavation (accessibility in unstable material,
maneuverability around debris), and the added information that would result
from a single effort. The principal disadvantage of this approach was that the
process water had to be pumped approximately 300 m (1,000 ft) to the
excavation point.
Because of the distance between the staging area and the freshwater source, a
larger water pump, transfer hoses, and generator were required than for the
original staging area. Water pump, generator, and flexible hoses with quick
couplings were available and obtained on a short-term rental basis. The MetPro
mobile unit was as previously described in the section "Project Activities,"
consisting of a trailer, slurry pump, sump, and 0.6-m (24-in.) MDS (Figure 8).
The eductor pump was fitted with an exterior ring, providing water jets for
horizontal excavation (Figure 9). A powerscreen was also rented for screening
the mechanically excavated material (Figures 10 and 11). The unit consisted of a
grizzly, hopper with shredder, conveyer and shaking screen, equipped with a
Chapter 2 Project Description
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