![]() an extended period of time. The supernatant was then poured off, the supernatant
and remaining wet solids weighed, and then water content of the wet solids
determined by oven drying. In this manner, the initial solids content of the slurry
could be calculated. The settled solids were analyzed on the Coulter particle
size analyzer for particle size distribution.
Particle size analysis
Results of the particle size data for samples taken from the feed and overflow
samples while stirring versus samples taken from the settled slurries were
different. Because the settled slurries were still relatively liquid but at a higher
percent solids, it was possible to mix them thoroughly and avoid rapid settling of
coarse particles, thus producing more representative samples of all size ranges in
the solids. The feed and overflow particle size distributions reported in Table 5
are for the subsamples taken from the settled samples. The underflow contained
less than 8 percent fines by volume. Depending upon the specific gravity of the
particles, this can be converted to percent fines by weight. Because the Coulter
counter measures particle volume only (void volume is not measured), percent
sand by volume can be taken to be approximately equivalent to percent sand by
mass, assuming the same specific gravity for all particles in the material.
Percent moisture/percent solids
Results of percent moisture (Wwater/Wtotal) and percent solids (Wsolids/Wtotal)
for the process streams are summarized in Table 6. The percent solids of the feed
varied from 1.8 to 5.9 percent by weight. This is a relatively dilute feed stream.
Although the separation efficiency is enhanced by a dilute feed stream,
operational efficiency overall is lower than optimum. Percent solids of the
underflow was quite high, ranging from 75.2 to 80.3 percent, reflecting the
coarse nature of the underflow. Mean percent moisture of the underflow was
approximately 22 percent, compared with approximately 98 percent for the feed
and overflow process streams.
Chemical analysis
The results of the chemical analysis for each replicate at each sampling time
were averaged for the three process streams, and are summarized in Table 7. For
comparison, results of the bench-scale characterization for these fractions are
given in parentheses. Qualitatively, the bench-scale testing appears to have given
a relatively representative indication of the contaminant levels in the field-scale
process streams. To evaluate whether the concentrations in the process and
characterization fractions are essentially equivalent, the data were evaluated.
Contaminants included arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, lead, mercury,
nickel, selenium, silver, zinc, barium, PCB 1242, PCB 1260, TOC, oil and
grease, and TRPH. One-half the detection limit was used for contaminant
concentrations less than the detection limit. The Statistical Analysis System
(SAS) release 8.1 was used to perform the data analysis (SAS Institute, Inc.,
1989a, 1989b). The statistical procedures and assumptions are more fully
Chapter 2 Project Description
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