![]() Representativeness and comparability are qualitative criteria, and completeness is
a quantitative criterion. Representativeness is a key concern during field
sampling activities, and expresses the degree to which sample data accurately
represent the site, specific matrices, and parameter variations at a sampling point.
Representativeness is dependent on the proper design of the sampling program,
proper selection of laboratory methods for the matrix under scrutiny, and stability
of the laboratory methods. The representativeness criterion is best satisfied by
making certain that the sampling locations, procedures, and quantities are
selected based on the project objectives, and that suitable analytical procedures
are utilized, preservation requirements are met, and holding times are not
exceeded in the laboratory.
Comparability expresses the confidence with which one data set can be
compared with another. The analysis of certified reference materials is used to
provide data on comparability. The data obtained within this project will be
comparable because all the standard operating procedures used in the
determinations are based on methods with proven protocols and proven internal
and external audit compliance relative to performance testing on certified
reference material soils. All analyses of a single type will be conducted at the
same laboratory. Completeness of the deliverable is measured for each set of
data received by dividing the number of valid (passing quality assurance/quality
control (QA/QC) requirements) measurements actually obtained by the number
of measurements made. Each of the analytical parameters is evaluated separately
in terms of precision, accuracy, and data acceptability. Precision pertains to the
repeatability of the test, and is determined using a relative percent difference for
duplicate samples and, for three or more replicate analysis, as a relative standard
deviation or coefficient of variation. Most literature suggests that the goal for
precision among field duplicates should be within 30 percent expressed as a
relative percentage difference. Accuracy pertains to the closeness to the true
value, and is evaluated using matrix spike recoveries expressed as a percent
recovery. Completeness is then calculated on the basis of the number of samples
meeting the established QA/QC requirements, as previously described.
Acceptable completeness for a data set has been set at 90 percent meeting
QA/QC requirements.
Completeness of the data was above 90 percent for all three data sets (Cells 4
and 5 characterization and field demonstration data). Some data were qualified
due to minor problems. Corrective actions and data qualifications are detailed in
the individual data validation sheets attached in Appendix C.
Equipment Acquisition
On the basis of the performance of the 0.6-m (24-in.) MDS, a 0.3-m (12-in.)
MDS was purchased for laboratory and field-scale feasibility testing. The
capacity of the 0.3-m (12-in.) MDS is not sufficient for large-scale processing,
but is better suited for feasibility testing because the volumes of process water
required are more manageable, and the supporting equipment is correspondingly
smaller and more widely available. A vibrating wet screen was also purchased
for screening out oversize prior to the sump of the hydrocyclone, and fitted with
13-mm (1/2-in.) and 6-mm (1/4-in.) screens. Either dry or slurried material can
Chapter 2 Project Description
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