![]() 3
The principal objectives of the project were to evaluate the efficiency of the
0.6-m (24-in.) MDS in producing a sand fraction with fines and PCB
concentrations sufficiently reduced to permit beneficial use, and to evaluate the
correspondence of contaminant levels predicted by bench-scale testing versus
field-scale operation. The target product (sand) specifications were less than 10
percent fines by mass and PCB concentrations less than 1 mg/kg. The underflow
fraction produced averaged over 92 percent sand, as measured by a Coulter
counter, and 0.144 mg/kg PCB 1242 and 0.0119 mg/kg PCB 1260. Based on
statistical analysis of the results, the contaminant concentrations predicted for the
sand fraction by the bench-scale testing were essentially equivalent to that
achieved in the field operation. This is particularly significant since the process
feed concentration of PCB 1260 was statistically greater than the bulk sediment
concentration for the bench-scale testing. This indicates a somewhat higher
efficiency of PCB removal for the MDS compared with that of wet sieving of the
material. This may be attributable to the presence of coarse organic particles,
which would report with the sand on a wet sieve, but would report with the
overflow of a hydrocyclone. This is supported by the higher TOC concentration
measured in the process overflow compared with that of the silt/clay fraction of
the bulk sediment used in bench-scale testing. Distribution of metals was
somewhat more variable than for PCBs, but metals were reduced by an order of
magnitude in the sand fraction, with the exception of selenium, silver, and
molybdenum. Selenium, silver, and molybdenum were reduced by factors of 2.6
to 7.8. In the absence of specific criteria establishing acceptable levels of metal
constituents, partitioning theory could be used to evaluate the magnitude of
potential release of metals in the beneficial use environment. Predicted releases
could then be compared with applicable water quality criteria and necessary
dilutions estimated.
Chapter 3 Conclusions
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